Educating the youth on tool safety & planting vegetables for the community

A tool library shed we funded, built, and manage. It houses free to lend tools, through which our community as well as our partner orgs have means to engage in accessible and constructive labor.

Planting day for one of our public gardens, brought about with our partner organization WMH Alamogordo- which will feed the historic ethnically segregated community in which and by whom it was built.

Pictured is a cleared and accessible sidewalk, courtesy of the volunteers who manually removed the fallen tree

The situation that happened with the fallen elm tree is not unique. Like many families in Alamogordo, and throughout New Mexico, the expense of a fallen tree could potentially have been an added stress on family finances that most families in Alamogordo, are not financially equipped to handle…Community Power New Mexico saw an issue of concern from the post and, responded on NextDoor, and then in person with volunteers in action. Within 24 hours their volunteers showed up with multiple chainsaws.”

— Chris Edwards, Editor at 2nd Life Media

Our Methods


We begin with data from the Federal Census Bureau, published data from the local municipal/county/state budgets, and lived experience provided by our community. Through a careful analysis of these intersecting conditions, we come to a clear picture of what our communities need and how to use our available resources to address those needs as best we can.


Upon identifying said needs and our capacity to meet them, we organize with the individual in the community, the community writ large, the local government, local businesses, and other organizations to instigate novel events, media representation, and lasting programs that dutifully serve most the marginalized and disenfranchised people who are our neighbors.


Using the information and resources we have gathered, we implement and adapt our plans collaboratively in order to spearhead the creation of very real and sustainable infrastructure for our communities that are built from the ground with longevity & accessibility in mind: from concepts as big as community tool libraries and free-to-harvest volunteer run gardens to something as individually liberating as delivery of food to shut-ins and taking out the trash for our disabled neighbors.

What Makes Us Different

None of our board makes a dime from this, none of us own a business to be benefitted, and we unanimously labor in this with the principle of being non-partisan in the sense of modern political parties. We seek only to use this platform as a means to materially aid our community and hopefully inspire and enable others to do the same. We are a team of folks who are motivated solely by our commitment to you and belief that our community is worth helping.

We look forward to meeting you. You are our neighbor, after all!